Together with the team of the Cluster of Excellence Resolv, Martina Havenith investigates the role of solvents for chemical reactions.
© RUB, Nielinger

Chemistry Top Resolv scientists attend famous Solvay-Conference

An invitation that is not for everyone. Three members of the Cluster of Excellence Resolv will participate.

RUB-Chemist Prof. Dr. Martina Havenith travels to Brussel to attend the renowned Solvay-Conference an event open to invited guests only. The organizers of the famous conferences in Chemistry and Physics welcome around 50 international scientists each time. Meetings keep a three-year schedule. This year conference on Chemistry takes place from the 19th to 22nd of October.

Alongside with Martina Havenith, Chair of the Department of Physical Chemistry II at RUB and speaker of the Cluster of Excellence Resolv, two other Resolv members have been invited: Prof. Dr. Frank Neese from the Max-Planck-Institute for Energy Conversion and Prof. Dr. Benjamin List from the Max-Planck-Institute for Coal Research, both based in Mülheim an der Ruhr.

Among Nobel laureates

The „International Solvay Institutes“, which organize the conferences and invite the participants, have assembled scientific committees with top-class scientists; indeed, many among them are Nobel laureates.

At the core of the Solvay Conferences lays an intense scientific exchange, organizers favour participants’ discussions over lectures. The 2016 conference will cover the theme „Catalysis in Chemistry and Biology“.

About the Solvay conferences

The first Solvay Conference took place in 1911; it was also the first international conference on physics. The conferences have become extremely famous after the 1927 meeting, when Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr, among others, met to discuss the newly forged quantum theory. Since then the Solvay-Conferences in Chemistry and Physics had been held every three years.



Julia Weiler

Translated by

Emiliano Feresin
