Chemistry in Solution: HCl-Water cluster (red, grey and cyan balls) in helium (green dots and purple lines) as snapshot from a quantum simulation.
© Resolv

International Symposium Chemistry in solution

Europe’s leading conference for theoretical chemistry returns to Bochum after more than 30 years. It focuses on chemical processes in solutions.

In 1985, the Symposium on Theoretical Chemistry (STC) was organised by RUB professors Werner Kutzelnigg and Volker Staemmler. In 2016, it is hosted by Prof Dr Dominik Marx and his colleagues at the Center for Theoretical Chemistry; they are supported by the Cluster of Excellence Resolv in organisational matters.

Latest research and simulation methods

Coinciding with one of the major areas of research at RUB, namely solvation science, the symposium bears the title: “Chemistry in Solution”. When a chemical substance is dissolved in a liquid – the best known of which is water – many more processes take place on the molecular level than we are aware of. Those processes are studied at the Cluster of Excellence Resolv, using state-of-the-art research and simulation methods of theoretical chemistry.

Complex chemical processes and reactions in solution play a crucial role in industrial applications as well as in living cells. 400 international participants are going to share insights pertaining to the progress made in the field of theoretical chemistry and to the current methods and findings.

Award for a pioneer from Bochum

Traditionally, the outstanding research of junior academics and scientists is awarded at the Symposium; this year’s winner has not yet been named; he or she will be awarded the Hellmann Prize by the “Arbeitsgemeinschaft für Theoretische Chemie” during the conference.

Moreover, the “Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker” will be awarding the Erich Hückel Prize, thus honouring the outstanding achievements of the pioneer from Bochum and first chairholder at the Center for Theoretical Chemistry, Werner Kutzelnigg.

Note for the media

The Symposium takes place from 26th to 29th September 2016 in Hörsaalzentrum Ost and Audimax at RUB. The award ceremonies are scheduled for Wednesday, 28th September. Representatives of the media are welcome to attend all events.

Press contact

Dr Nina Winter
Cluster of Excellence Resolv
Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Phone: +49 234 32 27240

  • Additional information about the conference and the agenda can be found at the conference homepage.



Jens Wylkop

Translated by

Lund Languages
