In addition to his Starting Grant, Nicolas Plumeré has been also awarded a Proof-of-Concept Grant.
© RUB, Kramer

Nitrate Sensor Nicolas Plumeré awarded a grant by the European Research Council

The grant will be invested into translating the concept into a commercial product that has been designed to make farmers’ lives easier.

Larger harvest yields, higher quality, lower costs, and environmental protection: a nitrate bio-sensor developed by researchers at RUB has the potential to achieve all these goals. The sensor, which can be used by farmers directly in the field, is about to go into production: to this end, Prof Dr Nicolas Plumeré and Dr Tobias Vöpel have been awarded a Proof of Concept Grant by the European Research Council (ERC) for the period of one and a half years.

One drop of plant juice is enough

The ERC Proof of Concept Grant supplements the ECR Research Grants. It is awarded solely to researchers who are already funded by an ERC Grant and who are planning pre-commercial deployment of the research results gathered in the course of their projects. Under the umbrella of the ERC Starting Grant, Nicolas Plumeré and Tobias Vöpel developed the nitrate sensor, which is only marginally bigger than a Cent coin and on which disposable electrodes have been printed. It determines the nitrate concentration in soil by analysing one drop of plant juice within seconds and sends the result to the farmers’ smartphones.

About the scientist

Nicolas Plumeré studied chemistry in Strasbourg and Glasgow and was awarded his PhD at the University of Tübingen in 2009. Since 2010, he has headed a junior research group at the Center for Electrochemical Sciences at Ruhr-Universität. Moreover, he conducts research as part of the cluster of excellence Resolv, which is currently being funded through an excellence initiative.


20 February 2018
2:28 pm


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