IT Security How randomized data can improve our security
IT security How do people really feel about electronic health records?
Physics A new type of quantum bit in semiconductor nanostructures
Biophysical chemistry Detection of bacteria and viruses with fluorescent nanotubes
British Cultural Studies Brexit anticipated
Geography Improving urban planning with virtual reality
IT security Satellite security lags decades behind the state of the art
Award Heinz Maier-Leibnitz Prize for Marcella Woud
The human factor How safe do people around the world feel on the internet?
Deep fakes How artificially generated images give themselves away
IT-Security Researchers discover vulnerabilities in Microsoft Office application
Virology Single hepatitis E mutation renders sofosbuvir therapy ineffective
Neurology Tracing the evolutionary origin of cognitive flexibility
Materials research Powder-filled wires for highly customizable alloys
Medicine Aggressive cancer cells grow by protecting their identity
Alexander von Humboldt Professorship F. Ömer Ilday comes to Ruhr University
Medicine Progesterone’s protective potential against Parkinson’s
Neuroscience When pigeons dream
Biology This is how the moon synchronises the reproduction of corals
Communication networks Bypassing the traffic jams on the information superhighway
English News
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