Transfer Visit by a Dutch Delegation
RESOLV With a positive outlook for the future
Statement United against right-wing ideology
Award RUB offers researchers the best working conditions
Study orientation What could come after the Abitur
Religous Studies From an oasis in the middle of the desert to Bochum
Award Clara Saraceno receives an award for high-speed optics
Gender Studies Princess A Sibanda is Marie Jahoda Fellow 2023
Meeting Dialog for Students in the Context of the Middle East Conflict
Holidays Ruhr University takes a two-week break
IT security Vulnerabilities Discovered in Internet Standard SSH
Award for scientific research Psychiatric Staff Often Unintentionally Exert Coercion
Internationalization Inauguration of the First Liaison Office at Ruhr University Bochum
Prestigious Award Eike Kiltz receives the Leibniz Prize
New Collaborative Research Centre Nine million euros for materials research at Ruhr University Bochum
Interview Developing new Strategies to treat Neurodegenerative Diseases
Position For a Peaceful and Respectful Community
Plasma research Purple Discharges on the Skin
Interview with the researcher Plasma Technology in the Bathroom
Neuroscience Three ice-cold minutes
English News
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