Philosophy Why people deceive themselves
Psychology Consciousness in humans, animals and artificial intelligence
IT Security Identifying fake voice recordings
Cognitive Neuroscience Limited brain capacity in humans and birds
Psychology Loneliness among emerging adults increased slightly
Coronavirus Which factors determine whether a person decides to get vaccinated?
Geoscience New type of earthquake discovered
IT Security 14 new attacks on web browsers detected
Geosciences How nitrate concentrations can be reduced in groundwater
Biology This is how the superbug Pseudomonas aeruginosa reacts to antibiotics
Physics A seemingly unattainable energy transition
Chemistry How positively and negatively charged ions behave at interfaces
Philosophy How people understand other people
Developmental psychology Making the wait less arduous
Biodiversity How corals react to climate change
Medicine Protection of dialysis patients from coronavirus variants of concern
Linguistics This is how we understand emoji
Chemistry Supercomputers joined the fight against antibiotic resistance
Medicine Dialysis patients benefit from a third Covid vaccination dose
Law Why health policy needs private partners
English News
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