Virology Chemically modified plant compounds work against hepatitis E virus
Genetics Suspect factor for hereditary brain disease
Multiple sclerosis Tenascin proteins inhibit regeneration of cell envelope
IT Security Radio waves for the detection of hardware tampering
Paleontology How plesiosaurs swam underwater
Developmental Neuroscience Primates and non-primates differ in the architecture of their neurons
Physical chemistry Novel sensors enable precise measurement of dopamine
IT Security New countermeasure against unwanted wireless surveillance
Geography How Stockholm applied greening concepts and what we can learn from it
Neurophilosophy How is it possible to remember selfless experiences?
Multiple sclerosis Glatiramer acetate compatible with breastfeeding
Virology/Materials Research Copper is effective against Sars-Cov-2 on surfaces – silver is not
Forensics Differentiating body fluids with protein analysis
Optogenetics The role of the cerebellum in absence seizures
ERC Grant Surprising symmetries for theoretical computer science
Linguistics Algorithms to detect harmful language
Media Studies Witness report from a fridge
Constitutional law The fight against terrorism is a balancing act
Psychology How to keep knowledge alive for emergencies
Virology I was here first! This is how hepatitis C inhibits hepatitis E
English News
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