Serie Three questions for ...
Boris Suchan
© RUB, Nelle

Clinical Neuropsychology In conversation with Boris Suchan

He has his best ideas on places that have nothing to do with science.

Why did you become a neuropsychologist?
I was simply fascinated by the brain and wanted to investigate its functions. In order to complete the picture, I was trained as a therapist, which enabled me to treat patients with acquired brain injuries.

Where do you have your best ideas?
I can’t really say. I do not have my best ideas at my desk! More likely in the shower or in other places that have nothing to do with academia.

Which was your favourite project last year?
Creating an online guidebook for people with acquired brain injuries and their relatives. Together with students, we have compiled a great collection of important, easy-to-understand information. We were quite overwhelmed by the students’ enthusiasm and the feedback from people interested in this issue.



Julia Weiler
