Die Arbeiten von Martina Havenith (links) und Viktoria Däschlein-Gessner werden in der Spezialausgabe vorgestellt.
© RUB, Marquard/Kramer

Chemistry International Women’s Day special issue

Among the contributions of excellent female researchers from all over the world are two papers of RUB professors.

Two Resolv women scientists, Professor Martina Havenith and Professor Viktoria Däschlein-Gessner, have been selected for the Angewandte Chemie “Special issue: Women in chemistry” published in March 2019. The scientists’ research appears in both the printed issue and the online virtual list produced for the International Women's Day 2019.

“Showcasing a collection of some of the best chemistry from research groups run by female principal investigators may help inspire more women to take up the mantle and run their own groups in the future”, says Neville Compton, Editor-in-Chief of Angewandte Chemie, in the issue’s editorial piece.

With a unique collection of contributions by women in science, among them the 2018 Nobel Laureate Frances Arnold, the renowned journal wants to address the continuing problem of female academics having extreme difficulties in progressing towards leadership positions in the chemical sciences.

Two contributions from Resolv Cluster of Excellence

Resolv speaker Martina Havenith is present in the special issue with the Angewandte Chemie International Edition publication “Ion hydration and ion pairing as probed by THz spectroscopy”. The paper showcases and analyses the THz fingerprints of ions and ion pairs within the environment of the hydrogen-bond network of water, addressing some major questions concerning aqueous electrolyte solutions.

Viktoria Gessner shows up with the Angewandte Chemie International Edition publication “A highly active ylide‐functionalized phosphine for palladium‐catalyzed aminations of aryl chlorides”, which was published as a collaborative effort with Resolv fellow Professor Lukas Gooßen. The paper presents a phosphine that confers excellent performance to palladium based catalytic complexes for C−N cross coupling reactions at room temperature, Gessner’s results mark another step towards the development of more potent palladium catalysts for homogeneous catalysis.

“The articles in this printed issue, as well as those in the International Women’s Day 2019 Special Collection on the journal’s homepage are testament to the excellent quality and diversity of the research being done in groups run by female principal investigators”, says Compton in the Editorial.

Original publication

Neville Compton (Editor): Special issue: Women in chemistry, in: Angewandte Chemie International Edition, 2019, Volume 58, Issue 10, Seiten 2907–3226


12 March 2019
8:52 am


Emiliano Feresin
