Approximately eight weeks after the cyber attack on RUB, the rebuilding of the central IT infrastructure has been for the most part completed.
© RUB, Marquard

Cyber attack Recovery of the central systems almost complete

The sharepoint servers are now back in operation. This means further central services are available once again.

After a computer attack in the night from 6 to 7 May 2020 shut down part of the RUB’s IT infrastructure, the recovery of the central systems has now been largely completed. Since 27 June, the central sharepoint servers have been running again. As a result, the infrastructure for central holiday time and business trip management, the further education portal, the project rooms of various committees, and the service portal is available once again.

There is a restriction with regard to an older sharepoint server farm, which is currently still being restored. This affects the applications of the gas storage facility, the VRR ticket issuing service, and an administration application. Moreover, IT-Services has pointed out that some work is still being carried out in the background to ensure stable operation in the long term.

So far, information on the consequences of the attack and on recovery has been provided in a central FAQ. These pages will no longer be updated. All further details on the systems can be found on the IT Services website (German website).


02 July 2020
11:46 am


Julia Weiler (jwe)

Translated by

Donata Zuber
