Winter semester 2020/21 Combination of in-person and online classes
The summer semester is not over yet, but the first recommendations on how to continue teaching in autumn have been issued. Online application for Bachelor programms is open.
Ruhr-Universität Bochums’ so called teaching task force and faculties are currently evaluating the experiences from the summer semester and drafting a concept for the implementation of teaching in the winter semester. Since the epidemiological development is difficult to predict for the end of the year, the university is planning a combination of online and in-person classes for the winter semester.
Focus on first-year students
This planning model will enable Ruhr-Universität to respond flexibly and quickly to changes: a large percentage of those courses for which attendance is not absolutely necessary will continue to be carried out online. At the same time, the schedule also includes courses that require attendance, at least from time to time. First-year students in particular should be able to take advantage of campus life.
“We know how important social contacts are for a good start at university. Therefore, we want to give our first-year students the opportunity to socialise with their lecturers, professors and fellow students on campus,” points out Professor Kornelia Freitag, Vice Rector for Teaching and International Affairs.
In addition, students in advanced semesters should be able to come back to the campus for individual courses. They, too, miss the direct exchange with others – in lectures, seminars and in the café instead of on the screen.
I’m aware that this is a challenging time for both lecturers and students.
There will be enough online courses for all students belonging to the risk group, including first-year students, so that they can continue or begin their studies in the winter semester. Teaching materials provided on the Moodle platform will ensure that students who, for example, contract a cold or another infection during the semester can continue to attend what is technically an in-class course from home.
“I’m aware that this is a challenging time for both lecturers and students, and I very much hope that together we will manage to return some normality to the campus in the winter semester,” concludes Freitag.
The faculties are in charge of implementing the concept. They will decide which courses will be offered and they will inform their students in good time. The major challenge for anyone involved is organisational planning and implementation. It won’t be possible to fill classrooms fully, and it will be necessary to track people in case of an outbreak and to comply with strict hygiene regulations.
“Protecting the health of all members of the university has the highest priority for us. Our course of action is determined by the development in NRW and also by the legal requirements of the state,” says Freitag