Winter semester 2020/21 New campus rules at the start of the semester
In order to best protect the health of all university members, the campus may be accessed by students only for the purpose of studies or work that can’t be done remotely.
In-person classes in this semester have been spread throughout the day to ensure that far fewer students will be on campus at any one time. To ensure that the number of students on campus at the same time does not rise too much, it is necessary that students leave quickly after completing their courses or tasks that need to be done on campus.
Rules for attending classes
In order to further limit health risks, the university management has adopted the following rules for accessing the buildings of Ruhr-Universität Bochum:
- Students are not allowed to remain on campus if they don’t have any studying or work to do that can’t be done remotely. In addition to in-person classes, examinations or consultations, students may also study at several designated locations. You can find an overview of the study locations here. Their number is limited and some must be reserved online in advance.
- In order to attend in-person classes and to use the study locations, you must be willing to register on this website, much as you would currently do if you were going to a restaurant. Like anywhere else, this approach ensures that contacts can be traced, thus limiting the spread of Covid-19.
- Please allow sufficient time to reach the campus, especially during the morning rush hours from 8 a.m. to 10 a.m. The campus line U35 departs every 3 minutes from the main station. However, some trains can be quite crowded. To avoid unnecessary risks, it may be advisable to take a later train.
Obligation to wear a mask
- Masks remain mandatory on all routes in all buildings. This also applies when entering and leaving lecture and seminar rooms.
- In all rooms in which the minimum distance can be maintained, you may be permitted to take off your mask as soon as you have taken your seat. The course instructor decides whether the mask must be kept on or can be removed.
- In rooms where the minimum distance can’t be maintained, the course instructors may permit to remove masks if students sit in numbered seats and if this is documented. A mask must always be worn when entering and leaving rooms.
Protection of health is most important
- For all university members the following applies: if you show any symptoms of illness associated with Covid-19, you are requested not to enter the campus. In this event, the faculties and lecturers will provide information on where to find online materials to continue attending the relevant courses.
All restrictions resulting from these rules are intended to protect the health of all RUB members. They enforce the federal and state regulations at RUB.
University lectures can’t be compared with the situation at schools due to the large number of students, some of whom come from farther away. Acceptance of the necessary safety measures and mutual consideration are essential to enable students to continue their studies under pandemic conditions.