Rules, tips and services Guidelines for the winter semester
It won’t be like a normal semester, nor will it be like the summer semester. This compilation provides some pointers.
Quite out of the blue, the summer semester 2020 was completely different. The winter semester 2020/2021 won’t be business as usual, either. This manual provides pointers for RUB students: Which of the standard courses have changed? Where can I get advice and help? What are the important rules and deadlines?
Studying under new conditions
It was agreed back in summer that it wouldn’t be possible to offer full in-person courses in the winter semester. Most of the lectures will be taking place online. Exceptions are made, for example, for first-year students and students who complete lab internships or practical seminars in sports science.
In total, a maximum of 5,000 students per day are allowed on campus. Certain rules of conduct apply during the time spent there.
Rules on campus in the winter semester 2020/2021
The libraries have also adjusted their services. The University Library as well as the departmental libraries provide information about their services online.
Writing term papers and theses or studying for the next exam will be possible on campus during the winter semester in designated learning rooms.
A wealth of services and guidance (German website) is provided to students who’d like to learn strategies for studying at home, have the RUB’s online services explained or who seek general advice on how to organise their degree course.
Did you know that ...
Languages, a literature festival, business start-up: during this semester, the full range of elective courses for Bachelor students (German website) will take place online.
Business as usual, with a difference
The Akafö has modified its food and drink range in the Mensa, the Q-West, the food truck Little Q and in some cafeterias to suit the current situation.
Life outside the university is also different in the winter semester. But even though partying, sports and culture are severely restricted, Bochum University Sports, the cultural office Boskop (German website) & Co. have come up with alternative ideas.
Support for first-year students – and everyone else
For first-year students, this year’s start to university life is particularly tough. To take them by the hand – from a distance – and support them in entering this new exciting stage of life, the two freshmen Berry and Laurenz have compiled a lot of information and services in a YouTube video series.
Video series: RUB explained by first-year students
At the beginning of October, several thousand new students are usually welcomed in the Audimax at RUB. This welcome is intended to be no less festive this year – only more relaxed. Rather than being on campus at 9.30 a.m., all students – not just first-years – can enjoy a freshmen welcome with coffee, muesli and rolls in the comfort of their own home: on 2 November 2020 in the breakfast edition on YouTube.