
Arslan Gabdulkhakov in dialogue with Kornelia Freitag
Covid 19 Regulations Uzbek student interviews the Vice Rector for Academic Affairs
Studying abroad is often a challenging task – even more so during a pandemic. This is why many international students felt the need to discuss their situation.
Over 6,000 students from abroad study at RUB, currently almost exclusively online. One of them is Arslan Gabdulkhakov. He came to RUB from Uzbekistan for his Master’s programme in Cognitive Science. In October, he met on behalf of all international students with Professor Kornelia Freitag, Vice Rector for Academic and International Affairs, to talk about the issue. They discussed how to make contact with other students in times of coronavirus, what kind of support is available to students from abroad and what to do if it’s not possible to enter Germany.
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