In the Universitätsforum, vacciantion against Covid-19 can be easily done.
© RUB, Kramer

Against Covid-19 Vaccinations without appointment near RUB Campus

In the University Forum, UFO for short, vaccinations without appointment are again possible on 26 and 27 August 2021.

Update from 10 August 2021

The Bochum vaccination centre will again offer vaccinations without appointment in the University Forum (UFO) on 26 and 27 August 2021 from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. People who have received their first dose in the UFO at the end of July, will have the possibility to receive their second dose then.

People who have not yet been vaccinated at all against Covid 19 are also welcome. They can receive their first dose in the UFO at the end of August. For the second dose, however, those people will have to refer to another vaccination location, for instance, the vaccination centre in the Ruhrcongress.

Original  news from 21 July 2021

Every vaccination counts – for this reason, RUB and the vaccination centre Bochum are extending their vaccination offer. From 26 July until 31 July 2021, vaccinations are possible in the University Forum, UFO for short, in the Unicenter Querenburg for everyone of 16 years of age or older. An appointment is not necessary. The centre is open from 8 a.m. until 6 p.m. First and second doses can be administered. Questions can be directed to the team of the vaccination centre Bochum at +49 234 910 5555 or

For the vaccination, mainly the mRNA vaccine of Biontech/Pfizer will be used. However, the vaccines of Moderna, Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca are also available on request. The personnel in the vaccination centre will give advice which vaccine is most appropriate for a given person. Communication is possible in German and English, usually also in Turkish and Arabian language.

Who can be vaccinated?

The vaccination offer addresses all students from Bochum or who study at a university in Bochum. Employees and the local citizens are welcome as well.

Pregnant women can only be vaccinated if they have a medical certificate of a specialist. People who have recovered from Covid-19 can be vaccinated after four weeks, if they did not suffer any symptoms. In other cases, vaccination is only possible six to ten months after recovery. People under 16 years of age cannot be vaccinated in the UFO.

Which documents are required for the vaccination?

You can come by the vaccination centre in the UFO building without appointment. All you need is an ID card and a bit of time. You do not have to bring a vaccination certificate or a health insurance card. Information and consent forms are provided in the UFO.

How long does vaccination take?

Check-in, consultation, vaccination and observation after vaccination take 30 minutes. Depending on the number of people visiting the vaccination centre in the UFO, waiting times can occur.

Who organises the mobile vaccination centre in the UFO building?

The vaccination centre in the UFO building is an offer of the vaccination centre Bochum (Impfzentrum Bochum), which is organized by the city of Bochum and the Westphalia-Lippe Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Westfalen-Lippe).

Where is the UFO building?

Das Testzentrum im Unicenter steht allen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern offen.
© RUB, Marquard
The University Centre, UFO for short

The UFO building is the former “Kirchenforum” (church centre) in the Unicenter Querenburg (address: Querenburger Höhe 294, 44801 Bochum). Since the beginning of May, a Corona test station is situated in that building, too. It is located close to the U35 train station “Ruhr-Universität Bochum”. You can find the UFO building at the top of the RUB map.

Which other vaccination offers are available?

If you would prefer to make an appointment for your vaccination, you can do so at the vaccination centre Bochum (Impfzentrum Bochum). Appointments can be booked online at or via the website of the Westphalia-Lippe Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians (Kassenärztliche Vereinigung Westfalen-Lippe).

On the website of the vaccination centre Bochum, you will find further vaccination offers without appointment on additional dates and in additional locations.

Many general practitioners and medical specialists offer Covid-19 vaccinations, too.


21 July 2021
1:50 pm


Julia Weiler (jwe)
