On 24 May 2023, Ruhr University Bochum will be hosting the Walk of Diversity. We are still looking for participants to help us put together a creative programme.
© RUB, Kramer

Walk of Diversity 2023 We’re looking for your ideas – queer and diverse

On 24 May, Ruhr University will be celebrating Diversity Day. Anyone can contribute to our vibrant and diverse programme – we are looking for participants. The registration deadline has been extended to 24 March.

Update 15 March 2023

The registration deadline has been extended to 24 March.

Original news

Ruhr University Bochum embodies diversity. The Walk of Diversity on 24 May 2023 is the perfect opportunity to showcase and celebrate it. We’ll be spotlighting our diverse communities – different sexual orientations and gender identities, people with disabilities, people of different origins and religious backgrounds. And we are committed to the empowerment of all university members – students as well as academic staff and employees of the technical and administrative departments. They are all members of Ruhr University Bochum’s diversity community.

Queer and diverse

In addition to educational poster stands and lectures, Diversity Day is also meant to be entertaining and creative. We are therefore still looking for participants with exciting ideas. After all, an event of this kind thrives on the people who contribute to it. No matter if it’s a march across campus in the style of a Pride parade, a face painting booth, stage performances – anything goes! Send us your ideas and seize the opportunity to make your institution visible at the Walk of Diversity.

This is what you need to do

Please email an outline of your idea to Belén Daza (diversityday@rub.de) by 15 March 2023. You can also ask any questions you may have.

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The images are free to use for members of the press, provided the relevant copyright notice is included. The images may be used solely for press coverage of Ruhr-Universität Bochum that relates solely to the contents of the article that includes the link for the image download. By downloading the images, you receive a simple right of use for one-time reporting. Saving the images for other purposes or further processing of the images that goes beyond adapting them to the respective layout requires an extended right of use. Should you therefore wish to use the photos in any other way, please contact redaktion@ruhr-uni-bochum.de


15 March 2023
11:17 am


Raffaela Römer (rr)

Translated by

Donata Zuber
