Whether you have the semester ticket or the Deutschland-Ticket, the best way to get to Ruhr University is to take the U35.
© RUB, Marquard

Upgrade bookable now Turn your semester ticket into the Deutschland-Ticket

Students have the option of taking out a subscription to upgrade their semester ticket to the Deutschland-Ticket, which is valid across the whole of Germany. Since May 2, all applications are working.

Update 2.5.2023

Since this morning the ticket is actually bookable. Please follow the link given in the info box.

Original message

By paying an extra 12.33 euros per month for the rest of the summer semester 2023, students can now also travel outside North Rhine-Westphalia. This upgrade is available only via the RIDE Campus app.


Note: Currently the ticket is not yet bookable. As soon as the booking is possible, the link can be found on the information page.
(Status: April 27, 2023, 2 p.m.)

The surcharge is a subscription that can be cancelled on a monthly basis, just like the Deutschland-Ticket. You’ll have to renew your subscription for each semester. The surcharge is calculated from the difference between the 49 euros for the Deutschlandticket and the semester ticket portion of the social contribution (broken down into monthly payments).

Only students who want to upgrade their VRR and NRW ticket to the Deutschland-Ticket will have to take out the additional (monthly) subscription. If you only travel in NRW, the regular semester ticket remains your best option.


27 April 2023
2:05 pm


Katrin Nemec
