Newsportal - Ruhr-Universität Bochum
Climate protection and feminism
The cover story of the current issue of CHANCEN= magazine deals with the topic of climate justice. Thematically, it ties in with the first Sustainability Week, which recently took place at Ruhr University, and sheds light on the extent to which climate protection and feminism are connected.
The tenor of the contribution is that women and BIPoC (Black, Indigenous, People of Colour) in particular are not only more affected by the effects of climate change, but are also more often part of the solution. Therefore, a perspective that takes multiple discriminations into account is essential to ensure a better future for all people and our planet. In addition to the cover story, there are many other exciting articles on various equality issues. The magazine is available online free of charge in both English and German here.
Once a semester
The magazine CHANCEN= is published once a semester by the central equal opportunities office of Ruhr University and is funded by the rectorate as a project of the Lore Agnes Programme. The aim of the magazine is to draw attention to the various equality activities and offers at the university and to bring equality-relevant topics into the public focus. The characteristic cover picture shows a mosaic of people who are represented with an article in the current issue, thus creating a common face for equal opportunities at Ruhr University.
The team of the Central Equal Opportunities Office hopes you enjoy reading the magazine and welcomes your suggestions and feedback.
26 October 2023
2.02 PM