Language Wide range of German courses for international students
In the summer semester 2024, the department Deutsch als Fremdsprache offers a wide range of general and academic language courses.
This summer semester, the department Deutsch als Fremdsprache (DaF) at the Zentrum für Fremdsprachenausbildung (ZFA) is once again offering a wide range of language courses at all levels as well as an interesting selection of academic language courses for international students. Dr. Martin Wichmann, head of the DaF department at the ZFA, emphasizes: "Our courses support international students with the linguistic challenges of their academic studies. Students very quickly realize that language teaching and studying are inextricably linked." An overview of the entire range of courses is available online.
All courses will take place in person from April 15, 2024 to July 19, 2024. Registration for international students is possible online from March 11 to March 30, 2024. All courses are anchored as modules in the optional area. International students can therefore also receive credit points there.