Tests across campus Drinking water lead values outside the I-section within normal range
Due to elevated lead levels, currently the water in the I-section cannot be used as drinking water. Samples in other areas of the campus did not reveal elevated lead levels. Further tests for the I-section are pending.
Update 14 July 2023, 9.50 a.m.:
The water in the I-section buildings can be used as drinking water again. The cause of the lead contamination in the drinking water supply of the I-section was presumably an old section of pipe in the Ruhr University supply canal to which the I-series was connected. As an interim solution, this is currently being bypassed with a replacement pipeline. All buildings in the I-section were connected to the replacement line and extensively sampled in consultation with the public health department. The lead levels measured were well below the limit value. The Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb is currently renovating all drinking water supply lines to the campus building rows. At the end of September 2023, the I-section – like all other building rows – should be connected to the new drinking water supply. The drinking water service in the building IC will be discontinued on 17 July.
You can find the detailed news here.
Update 12 July 2023, 7.05 a.m.:
The results of the precautionary water tests in the central axis are available. The buildings tested were Q-West, MZ, UV, SSC, Audimax, Beckmanns Hof, UB, HZO, FNO, UV and SH. No elevated lead levels were found in any of the samples. Additionally, previous measurements in the areas of the G-, M- and N-sections had not revealed any elevated lead levels. The results of more elaborate tests in the I-section are still pending.
Not every building outside the I-section was sampled individually. All supply lines from the supply route into the respective sections were tested. Additionally, samples from various buildings in the different areas were taken. At all measuring points, the lead levels were far below the limit value. Therefore, there is no reason to assume that there is an elevated lead level in the water of the buildings that were not tested separately. The water continues to flow from the tested buildings into the non-tested buildings.
Update 11 July 2023, 2.30 p.m.:
First results of new, extensive water samples in all areas of Ruhr-Universität Bochum’s campus have consistently revealed lead levels far below the limit value. After elevated lead levels were detected in the I-section buildings on 22 June 2023, all other areas were checked as a precaution. Results for the following buildings are available: GA, GB, GD, MA, Caspo, Mensa, UniKids, Kita, ZKF 1, ZKF 2, Animal Keeping (Medicine) as well as for ten measurement points in the supply route, among them the pipes leading to the G-, M- and N-section. The lead limit value is 0.01 milligram/litre. The readings were below the detection limit, so no elevated lead levels were found in the samples. Results for the central axis are still pending.
In the I-section, rapid tests indicate that the problem has been solved. In accordance with the public health department, the I-section buildings will undergo a particularly thorough test before the water can be used as drinking water again. The results are expected in the 29th calendar week.
Presumably, the cause of the lead contamination in the I-section’s drinking water supply pipes was an old pipe in the Ruhr University supply route to which the I-section was connected. This part of the supply pipes is going to be renewed in the coming months by the Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb. Until then, the old pipe section is bypassed with an interim solution. For this purpose, an alternate pipeline has been installed so that the water no longer flows through the section in the supply route that presumably caused the problem. Ruhr University assumes that this has fixed the problem. However, until the results of the follow-up samplings are available, the water in the I-section buildings cannot be used as drinking water.
The main supply line to the campus of Stadtwerke Bochum was not affected. This was the result of an inspection by Stadtwerke Bochum. At the transfer point from the main supply line to Ruhr University’s supply network, the lead value was within the normal range.
So far, 32 persons have taken advantage of the offer to undergo a lead biomonitoring test. Results of 28 tests are available. They show no indications of increased lead intake.
Update 5 July 2023, 3.20 p.m.:
First results of the biomonitoring tests for lead in persons from the particularly vulnerable groups (pregnant women, breastfeeding women and women with a current desire to have children) show no indications of increased lead intake. The tests have been offered since 26 June 2023. So far, 22 people have taken advantage of the offer, the results of nine tests are available. Members of the vulnerable groups can continue to be tested by individual appointment (appointments can be made by telephone Monday to Thursday 8 am to 2 pm, Friday 8 am to 1 pm on 0234 32 24400).
Update 29 June 2023, 4.50 p.m.:
The times for water distribution in IC 02/132 have changed: 7.30 a.m. to 3.30 p.m. on weekdays. It is strongly requested that all those who have collected water from the distribution point return the empties. One full bottle of water per person per day can be collected in exchange for an empty bottle.
Update 29 June 2023, 11.50 a.m.:
In order to continue to reorder and dispense water on a larger scale, it is strongly requested that everyone who collects water from the dispensing point also returns the corresponding number of empties. The rule is: there is a full bottle in exchange for an empty bottle.
Especially in summer with the warm temperatures, there are always bottlenecks in the trade because people do not return the empties quickly. Please help to avoid this and return your empties to the distribution point (IC 02/132)!
At the same time, we renew the urgent request to everyone to bring water from home if possible.
Update from 27 June 2023, 3.05 p.m.:
Due to high demand, the water dispensing point had to be relocated. There is larger storage space at the new location in IC 02/132. Water is continuously being procured. Nevertheless, it is logistically difficult to supply everyone with water. Ruhr University is working on being able to provide larger quantities of water in the coming days. Nevertheless, we urge everyone to bring water from home if possible.
From Wednesday, 28 June 2023, the cafeteria in the ID building will be open to help alleviate the situation. From 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., the AKAFÖ will offer a limited range of packaged food (e.g. rolls, sandwiches, salads) and bottled soft drinks, including water.
Update 27 June 2023, 9.45 a.m.:
The water dispensing point has been relocated. It is now located in building IC, room 02/132.
Update from 26 June 2023, 1.50 p.m.:
For pregnant women, women who are currently planning to have children and for breastfeeding women who regularly work on site in the I-section or have done so in recent months, the Occupational Health Unit now offers the determination of the lead monitoring value in the blood. Appointments for blood sampling can be made by telephone from Monday to Thursday 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Fridays 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., by calling 0234 32 24400.
Update from 24 June 2023, 4.50 p.m.
From 23 June 2023, drinking water for the I section buildings will be dispensed at the IB 01/130 Info Point, as the entire I section is affected and the distances for drawing water in the neighbouring buildings would be long in some cases. The water is distributed on weekdays from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Due to limited storage space at the Info Point, please only collect one bottle per person per day. Water will be continuously replenished as long as the usage restriction is in place.
Update from 23 June 2023, 4.05 p.m.
Answers to the most frequently asked questions can now be found on a separate FAQ webpage.
Original message from 22 June 2023, 8.12 a.m.
In the I section buildings, lead concentrations have been detected in the drinking water that exceed the legal limit. No water may be taken from the water taps for drinking. The use of water for flushing toilets and washing hands is harmless. Countermeasures were initiated immediately.
The buildings affected are IAN, IBN, ICN, IDN, IA, IB, IC, ID and ZGH.
The following restrictions apply:
- The water in the buildings may not be used for drinking or preparing food. The two cafeterias in buildings IB and ID will therefore be closed.
- Eye showers should be replaced with eye wash bottles as a precaution. These are in stock in the chemical store and can be collected there.
- Body safety showers can remain in operation.
- The showers will be closed as a precaution.
If you have any questions concerning health, please contact the Occupational Safety and Environmental Protection Unit or the Occupational Medicine Unit at arbeitssicherheit@rub.de and betriebsarzt@rub.de.
We will provide regular updates on the situation in this news.