Cluster of Excellence collaboration EU funds new postdoctoral programme
The programme of the Bochum-Dortmund Cluster of Excellence Ruhr Explores Solvation and colleagues from Switzerland is funded with around 3.5 million euros.
A new fellowship programme for postdoctoral researchers is a collaboration between two interdisciplinary research networks: the Swiss National Centre of Competence in Research “Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology” (NCCR-Must) and the Bochum-Dortmund Cluster of Excellence “Ruhr Explores Solvation” (Resolv). The transnational collaboration comprises 50 research groups from the fields of chemistry, physics, materials science, engineering and biology. The European Union supports the fellowship programme with 3.54 million euros under the Horizon 2020 programme as a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Cofund Action.
The programme, which starts in April 2019 and runs until September 2023, is called “Resolving Solvation with Molecular Ultrafast Science and Technology”, FP-Resomus in short. Its aim is to answer interdisciplinary questions at the interface of research on solvents and ultrafast processes using both simulation methods and the latest experimental technologies. The members of the programme benefit from the complementary expertise in the respective networks.
Programme in Germany and Switzerland
FP-Resomus supports 50 postdoctoral researchers in several locations in Germany and Switzerland. They investigate on a microscopic level how solvents influence various phenomena in nature and technology, and how ultrafast processes take place and can be improved.
The fellowship programme addresses early career researchers who are currently working outside of Germany and Switzerland, or who have recently started working there. FP-Resomus gives them the opportunity to gain experience in different locations. They benefit from extensive training opportunities, especially in scientific methods, but also in soft skills like application methodology, project management, languages and writing courses.
About NCCR Must in Switzerland