The research building could one day look like this.
© Heinle, Wischer und Partner

Neuroscience The research building “Think” at Ruhr-Universität is well on the way

A further important milestone on the path to becoming a University of Excellence.

On 5th July 2019, the Joint Science Conference (Gemeinsame Wissenschaftskonferenz – GWK) decided to fund the “Think” research building at Ruhr-Universität Bochum (RUB) – the Bau- und Liegenschaftsbetrieb NRW (BLB NRW, the real estate services of the state of North Rhine-Westphalia) is continuing with its building planning.

After the German Council of Science and Humanities recommended funding for the “Think” research building (Centre for Theoretical and Integrative Neuroscience and Cognitive Science) in May 2019, the Joint Science Conference has now finally decided on funding.

BLB NRW is the builder

Helmut Heitkamp, branch manager of BLB NRW Dortmund, is confident: “I am delighted that BLB NRW has the challenging task of continuing to plan and construct this high-tech research building for RUB. We are well on the way to completing the planning in the next two and a half years and to being able to begin the construction work.”

BLB NRW is the builder, owner and landlord of the future “Think” building. It has commissioned the planning company Heinle, Wischer und Partner from Berlin to conduct the detailed planning of the building with a usable floor space of around 3,890 square metres.

Important milestone

For RUB, “Think” is an important milestone on the path to becoming a University of Excellence. “The research building and the associated Neuro-Mind field of research are prototypical of our overall Creating Knowledge Networks strategy, with which we are currently applying to become a University of Excellence – with Neuro-Mind as one of the central measures in the application. The decision in favour of “Think” can thus also be regarded as a reward for our overall strategy on the path to becoming a University of Excellence,” says RUB Rector Professor Axel Schölmerich.

With its Creating Knowledge Networks strategy, Bochum is making use of its exceptionally broad spectrum of scientific disciplines. Within knowledge networks, RUB brings individuals and teams together across professional, organisational and spatial boundaries in order to develop, disseminate and apply knowledge. RUB is thus able to react flexibly and broadly to current and future challenges. “Think’s” interdisciplinary approach is typical of the profile of RUB.

Solutions for the challenges of the future working environment

The new centre will investigate the interdisciplinary neuronal mechanisms of cognition, develop artificial and hybrid cognitive systems, and examine the interaction between humans and technical systems in the workplace of the future and in neurorehabilitation.

In its recommendation, the German Council of Science and Humanities praised the high social significance of “Think”. For example, the insights gained there could have far-reaching effects on the workplace of the future, in which the interaction between human and artificial intelligence is already bringing about radical changes today. Such complex challenges can often only be solved by integrating several scientific disciplines – for instance, to investigate the social consequences of new technology.

Interdisciplinary cooperation

The Ministry of Culture and Science of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia stated: “The Centre for Theoretical and Integrative Neuroscience and Cognitive Science creates an interdisciplinary bridge from neurobiology to neurology, psychology, psychiatry and computer-aided modelling through to the philosophy of mind. The aim is to interlink basic neuroscientific research with the development of cognitive and technical systems.”

In order to promote and facilitate this interdisciplinary work between the researchers, BLB NRW will create communication zones and project processing rooms for the researchers in the building.

These outstanding opportunities for technology and knowledge transfer are further enhanced by “Think’s” immediate proximity to the planned technology campus and start-up campus, along with other research facilities – BLB NRW will construct the “Think” research building on the former Opel premises in Bochum.

High-tech research building

BLB NRW will illuminate the approximately 100-metre-long- and 45-metre-wide four-storey high-tech building with natural light via an inner courtyard. Examples of this high technology include the high-resolution human and small animal MRIs (magnetic resonance imaging), which also necessitate unusual building constructions.

The electromagnetic fields have to be shielded at great expense. At the same time, the highly sensitive MRIs must not be exposed to any vibrations in order to guarantee their function. In order to achieve this from a structural viewpoint, the building foundations under these rooms will be disconnected from the foundations of the rest of the building.

One university, three locations

Campus, city centre and Mark 51°7: Ruhr-Universität is growing and further developing at three locations.

The original campus is the nucleus and face of RUB and is gradually being modernised.

In Bochum city centre, RUB is present in what is known as the Archaeology Triangle, in the Blue Square and in the Bochumer Fenster.

RUB and its partners will be promoting transfer among science, industry and society on a technology campus on the former Opel premises Mark 51°7.


12 July 2019
4:00 pm


Arne Dessaul
