Academic exchange Welcomed by the university attaché in person
Why 39 students from France are currently at RUB.
A princely reception for the 39 French fellowship holders who have been at RUB since September 2019: on 4 September, Landry Charrier, university attaché at the French embassy, arrived from Berlin in order to welcome them. Professor Judith Visser, executive director at the Romance Seminar that hosts the exchange students, was likewise in attendance.
The 39 visitors will be attending courses at RUB until January, 2020, for example linguistics, grammar, computer science, politics, marketing and law. Another option are language courses that are taught at the RUB University Language Center. “In addition, we have set up a special course for our exchange students,” explains Kentin Le Provost, tutor of the programme at RUB. “It’s called ‘Face à face’. It is a so-called tandem course where German students of Romance languages and our French guests can practise and improve their oral language competencies in the respective foreign language.”

All this has been made possible through a programme run by the German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD). It is called “Programme d’études en Allemagne” and addresses primarily qualified and dedicated students from France who study either applied languages or train as teachers for German language and literature. The applicants are selected for the exclusive programme by the DAAD office in Paris and receive a grant amounting to 360 euros per months, plus expenses for additional costs of the framework programme.
Today, RUB is the only partner university of the DAAD programme. Usually, approx. 20 students come to Bochum. This time, it’s almost twice as many – for the simple reason that, in a first, RUB has accepted students from two degree courses.