Hydrogenases are very sensitive to oxygen. Thus, experiments with the enzymes have to take place in a sealed environment.
© RUB, Marquard

Biology How oxygen destroys the core of important enzymes

New findings are expected to help protect the hydrogen-producing enzymes from harmful oxygen – which is interesting for biotechnological applications.

Certain enzymes, such as hydrogen-producing hydrogenases, are unstable in the presence of oxygen. Researchers at RUB have identified the reasons on the atomic level. Using x-ray structure analysis, they showed that certain iron atoms in the core of the enzyme are altered in the presence of oxygen, gradually leading to the disintegration of the entire active centre. The team outlines the results in the Journal of the American Chemical Society (JACS), published online on 14 October 2019.

Seit Julian Esselborn an die University of California gewechselt ist, konferieren die Bochumer Forscher Eckhard Hofmann (links) und Thomas Happe (rechts) mit ihm per Videochat.
© Privat

The experiments were carried out jointly by three RUB groups: the photobiotechnology research group was represented by Dr. Julian Esselborn – today at the University of California, San Diego –, Professor Thomas Happe and Dr. Leonie Kertess. The team collaborated with Professor Eckhard Hofmann from the Protein Crystallography Group and Dr. Ulf-Peter Apfel from the Chair of Inorganic Chemistry I.


04 November 2019
8:53 am


Julia Weiler

Translated by

Donata Zuber
