Deadline expires Password changes required
Due to the cyber attack, it is necessary for security reasons to set a new password for every account with a RUB login ID. This is only possible until 2 June.
Update from 3.6.2020, 4 p.m.
What do I do when the new password doesn’t work?
In some cases, the system has problems processing some symbols in the new passwords. If so, the password should be changed again via www.rub.de/login. Ten minutes later, the new password should work.
Update from 3.6.2020, 11 a.m.
How do I get a new password if my old one's been locked?
Passwords for RUB login IDs that weren't reset by 3 June 2020 have been locked for security reasons. If you've been locked out of your account but want to continue to use it, please contact the Service Center of IT-Services and request a new password. The Sevice Center team is currently not available on campus, but you can contact them via email. Please use the following form for your password request (German).
As IT Services is currently receiving many enquiries, the team is asking for patience. Some users contacted the Service Center before 3 June, because they’d forgotten their current password for the RUB LoginID and therefore couldn’t change it. These requests couldn’t all be processed yet. If you have made the request from a RUB email address, please contact the Service Center again using an alternative email address. As the old passwords for these accounts have been blocked, these users can no longer access their RUB emails and, consequently, won’t receive the answer from IT Services.
Update from 28.5.2020
In the course of 2 June 2020, the new Active Directory – a central component of the Windows-based network – will be available. Users who use their old password to log in at their computer in the RUB network might receive an error message. In this case, they must instead use the new password that they have set for their RUB LoginID. Please note: Logging in and out with the new password may take longer than usual. Please do not abort the process.
Update from 28.5.2020
If you changed your password before 12 May 2020, 2 p.m., please note: the change hasn’t been processed in the system. You will have to change your password again. IT-Services has added another info box on its website. IT-Services also explains on its website where you can check when you last changed your password.
Update from 27.5.2020
Accounts whose passwords have not been changed will be blocked for security reasons from 3 June 2020. If you wish to continue using the account, you must immediately change your password at https://rub.de/login.
Update from 4.13 p.m., 14.5.2020
Further information on the required password changes are now available in English on the IT-Services website.
Original report
Due to the cyber attack on Ruhr-Universität Bochum, all users with a RUB login ID must set a new password immediately. This also applies to so-called combined services that are used to run functional email addresses. Changing the password is a security measure. Instructions and detailed information for students and members of the teaching and administration staff are available on the IT-Services homepage (German).