2nd issue The magazine Chancengleich has been published
The new issue shows what feminisms are and why there is not only one feminism.
The magazine Chancengleich (CHANCEN=) of the central Equal Opportunity Office informs about equal opportunities activities on campus and beyond. The current issue with the cover topic "Why we should all be feminists" shows what feminisms are and why there is not one feminism. In addition, many RUB-specific as well as broader topics are covered. For example, different experiences of discriminations are presented, a utopia of a family-friendly university, gender-appropriate communication and many other exciting gender equality topics are dealt with.
A mosaic of RUB people
The cover shows a mosaic of RUB people who have contributed to this issue and thus makes the diverse face of gender equality activities at RUB visible: although we are all different, we add up to a common whole in our commitment to equal opportunities. The magazine is available online in German and English as a flip-book pdf on the homepage of the central equal opportunitiy office.
The team around Friederike Bergstedt hopes you enjoy reading the magazine and welcomes your suggestions and feedback!