Excellence Strategy Progress through collaboration
The RUB’s concept for the Excellence Strategy is based on knowledge networks. What does this mean in practice?
With Creating Knowledge Networks RUB is competing in the Excellence Strategy, aiming acknowledgement as a University of Excellence. In an interview, Rector Professor Axel Schölmerich explains the underlying idea.
The application submitted by RUB to the Excellence Strategy is titled “Creating Knowledge Networks”. What does this mean?
The collaboration among researchers across traditional discipline borders and spatial distances constitutes the foundation of future scientific progress. In accordance with this principle, we establish connections – within Ruhr-Universität with its outstanding multitude of disciplines, as well as in regional networks within University Alliance Ruhr and in national and international research networks.
Are there any examples of such knowledge networks?
Every joint project, our Research Departments, the collaboration with other universities, as well as the underlying principle of internationalisation may be described as Knowledge Network. This principle is also reflected in the internal organisation of our strategic orientation – for example in perspective forums where all faculties discuss future alignment of research focus and resource allocation.
RUB boasts a wide range of disciplines that is quite unparalleled among German universities.
Where do you see particular strong points of RUB in comparison to the competitors?
RUB boasts a number of strengths, including the broad range of disciplines, spanning from humanities and social science, through natural and life sciences, to engineering sciences. RUB’s balanced range of disciplines is quite unique among German universities.
Another exceptional strength is promoting young talent, documented by the experience accumulated within our Research School. Research Departments as an organisational entity for interdisciplinary world-class research and participatory governance are also a specific feature contributing to research excellence.