Where possible, employees should continue to work from home.
© RUB, Marquard

Coronavirus Current regulations continue to apply

Working from home and online teaching wherever possible – nothing is set to change there for the time being.

Update from 13 January 2021, 16 p.m.

Until 31 January 2021, seminars, exercises or comparable course formats will only take place online. This decision is based on the currently valid decrees of the state of NRW. In justified exceptional cases, in-person lab internships or comparable course formats with practical components can take place after special approval. The Corona FAQ and the RUB service portal provide information on the exact regulations.

Original message

The state premiers and the German Chancellor agreed further far-reaching measures to reduce contact between people on 5 January 2021. It is not yet clear what the precise regulations will be for the state of NRW. What is certain, however, is that working from home for employees and online teaching will remain the norm until further notice.

Once the specific regulations for universities in the state of NRW are available in the week beginning 11 January 2021, we will provide information on this here and in our FAQs.

Those who can should work from home: this has been the case at RUB since the middle of December 2020. Teaching is taking place online, examinations are only taking place in person in approved exceptional cases. The Rector of RUB implemented these regulations on 16 December 2020 on the basis of the existing framework regulations from the state of NRW. With these and other measures, RUB is contributing to reducing and avoiding contact between people in order to stop the further spread of the virus.

In this context, the following facilities and services are also affected:

  • The places of learning on campus and at Blue Square remain closed
  • The University Library and some departmental libraries are offering limited scanning and lending services
  • The dining hall (Mensa) at the Akademisches Förderungswerk (students’ union) remains closed; an overview of the open facilities offering a takeaway service is available on the Internet



08 January 2021
12:36 pm


Jens Wylkop (jwy)

Translated by

Lund Languages
