Biochemistry How water fleas detect predators
IT Security Why the Ruhr area is the perfect location
Biology Small RNA renders bacteria more resistant to antibiotics
Chemistry How a crystal is solvated in water
Chemistry Affordable catalyst for CO2 recycling
Chemistry Next step on the path towards an efficient biofuel cell
Chemistry Ultra-thin transparent silver films for solar cells
Chemistry Metallic nanocatalysts imitate the structure of enzymes
Biotechnology External structure can affect the function of enzymes
Neuroscience The reasons for hemispheric dominance in the brain
Virology High stability of the hepatitis B virus
Psychology Why people have lateral preferences when kissing and hugging
Raman Microscopy Testing cells for cancer drug resistance
Molecular Neurobiology Biomarkers facilitate early detection of glaucoma
IT security More rules for the intelligent household
Material research Noble metal-free catalyst system as active as platinum
Medicine A single missing gene leads to miscarriage
Archaeology Preserved in salt for over 2,000 years
Geosciences What sleeps under the forest
Neuroscience Oscillations provide insights into the brain’s navigation system
English News
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