Chemistry Award for Nicolas Plumeré
Biology How bacteria protect themselves from plasma treatment
Catalysis High reaction rates even without precious metals
Drug resistance Preventing drugs from being transported
Chemistry How acids behave in ultracold interstellar space
Psychology How stress leads to Facebook addiction
Neuroscience How single neurons and brain networks support spatial navigation
Chemistry Applying precious metal catalysts economically
Material research New class of catalysts for energy conversion
Protein research Early-stage detection of Alzheimer’s in the blood
Chemistry Monitoring the lifecycle of tiny catalyst nanoparticles
Biochemistry Alzheimer’s in mini brains
Sensory perception How the olfactory brain affects memory
Chemistry Improving the lifetime of bioelectrodes for solar energy conversion
Psychology How cortisol affects exposure therapy for anxiety disorders
Protein research How light triggers brain activity
Neuroscience How jackdaws remember what they did where and when
Equal opportunities Career platform for female neuroscientists launched in Bochum
University Alliance Ruhr Red carpet rolled out in Moscow
Sport science Learning through the body
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