Climatology This is what the monsoon might look like in a warmer world
Biology How oxygen destroys the core of important enzymes
Medicine/material research Impaling bacteria
Computing in Engineering New algorithms tell smart glasses where they are
Psychology Hormonal contraceptives affect the efficacy of exposure therapy
Neuroinformatics The driving school for computers
Neuroinformatics Why artificial intelligence doesn’t really exist yet
IT Security How voice assistants follow inaudible commands
Digital Engineering Create your own Augmented Reality
Protein research New findings on the recycling centres of cells
Chemistry How to make biocatalysts immortal
Chemistry Determining the activity of noble-metal-free catalyst particles
Biology Jacqueline Reinhard awarded for glaucoma research
Information Technology Security weaknesses in PDF encryption
Inspired by nature Converting CO2 to valuable resources with the help of nanoparticles
Protein research How algae produce pink pigments
Water Resource Management Artificial Intelligence in agriculture and environmental management
Review article Pros and cons of genetic scissors
Psychiatry Mentally ill avatars
Molecular Botany New results on fungal genetics
English News
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