Psychology Less crazy together
Upgrade bookable now Turn your semester ticket into the Deutschland-Ticket
Media Studies Gold nugget gone toxic
Interview Putting up with uncertainty
Material research New profs at the Research Center Future Energy Materials and Systems
Stress research Important stress questionnaire now available in German
Side-channel attacks When the chip needs a cooling break
Walk of Diversity 2023 We’re looking for your ideas – queer and diverse
Data security The telltale zero
Service One-off payment regarding energy costs for students
Computer science Three tough nuts for quantum computers to crack
Earthquakes in Turkey and Syria “This is hard to bear”
Earthquake relief Mobilising the Ruhr University Bochum community
Interview “Acknowledge our pain, talk to us and stand with us.”
Interview Keep those enzymes busy
Peer Quartier Support for refugees
EARTHQUAKES IN TURKEY AND SYRIA “Two minutes of tremors felt like an eternity”
Earthquakes This is how you can help people in Turkey and Syria
Equal opportunities Research is always discovering something new
Type 2 diabetes Ukrainian researchers defy the war
English News
German News