Medicine How thyroid function affects stress-related heart problems
Nuclear and particle physics ERC Advanced Grant for strong interaction research
Biomedicine Detecting bacteria with fluorescent nanosensors
Chemistry Measuring pH locally with terahertz spectroscopy
Work Science EU project on digital transformation in companies approved
Materials science Metal-organic frameworks become flexible
Physics Novel quantum dots facilitate coupling to quantum memory systems
Neurobiology The link between glaucoma, the immune system and protein tenascin-C
History The racist violence of white women
Astronomy The magnetic fields of the jellyfish galaxy JO206
Biology Proteomic profiling reveals innovation potential of new antibiotics
Environmental technology Controlled release of fertiliser using biopolymer chips
Biology New insights into the function of a common signal-protein complex
Biology Cyanobacteria as green catalysts in biotechnology
Software tool Identifying potential CO2 savings through timber construction
Neurobiology Why drugs sometimes cause receptor potentiation rather than inhibition
Neuroscience The surprising organisation of avian brains
Sport science Reasons for football injuries
Fit for School Online training helps preemies
Biopsychology How researchers look at the bird brain in action
English News
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