Sebastian Merkel leitet das Projekt an der Ruhr-Universität.
© RUB, Marquard

Social Science Healthcare outside the doctor’s office

As healthcare is changing, more and more data is being generated. Still, the crucial elements are ultimately people and their behaviour.

If digitalisation continues at the current rate, the healthcare system as well as our health behaviour will (have to) be reorganised. Medical and healthcare services will be increasingly separated from the traditional places of care; digital applications such as decision support systems will become more prevalent. We are producing more and more data, for which we need to develop and implement new models to secure, manage, share and ultimately use it profitably for healthcare and medical care.

The users of digital technology – patients, medical staff and health professionals – play a key role in this process. Not only do users ultimately decide which digital services and applications they want to use, but new skills are also required that should not be taken for granted.

About the person

Sebastian Merkel completed his Master’s degree in Social Science at RUB in 2010 and then went on to complete a further Master’s degree in Policy Management, Public Policy and Public Administration at the University of Duisburg-Essen. He was awarded his PhD degree at the University of Witten-Herdecke in 2017. He then worked as research director at the Institute for Work and Technology in Gelsenkirchen, where he had already been a research assistant during his dissertation phase. Since April 2020, he has held the junior professorship for Health and E-Health at the RUB Faculty of Social Sciences.


25 February 2021
10:05 am


Sebastian Merkel
