Virology Monkeypox viruses relatively stable on surfaces
Neuroscience Our thoughts alter our tactile perception
Composite construction Bridge girders in the oven
Neuroscience AI helps understand learning processes
IT security Patching up security gaps in cryptocurrencies often takes a long time
Start-up Ready for the new generation of mobile communications
Psychology Less crazy together
Philosophy The alarm theory of consciousness
Gold nugget gone toxic The history of online commenting
Neuroscience Effects of brain stimulation amenable to conditioning
Biology Why orchid bees concoct their own fragrance
New method Nanotubes as optical stopwatch for the detection of neurotransmitters
Chemistry Ultrasound activates anticancer agent
Fibromyalgia Pain out of control
Neuroscience How genes, brain characteristics and intelligence are connected
Chemistry Fast light pulse triggers charge transfer into water
Geography Making more sustainable decisions based on data
ERC Advanced Grant Improving the efficiency of maps
ERC Advanced Grant A fresh approach to new and secure encryption
IT security Verifying the security of electronic circuits
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