Chemistry How Confined Protons Migrate
New faculty “This is a crucial moment”
New release Applied plasma research in science magazine Rubin
New Protection Ordinance Changes to the coronavirus regulations at RUB
Microsystem technology Plasmas facilitate the production of small structures
Industrial chemistry Plasma generators control catalytic processes
IT Security Successful record of RUB at conference CHES 2021
Polymers How cola still tingles after a year
Flood protection The city as a sponge
Applied Microbiology Plasmas aid in wound healing, cancer therapy and pollutant degradation
Plasma theory/interfacial theory What exactly happens at the interface between plasma and surface
Plasma physics Where basic science meets technology
Against Covid-19 Vaccinations without appointment near RUB Campus
Plasma diagnostics A sphere that makes electrons oscillate
Electrodynamics and Plasma Technology Plasma simulation aids the development of faster processors
Plasma physics A reference source for plasma research
Care duties and the corona pandemic How RUB is relieving pressure on its employees
From now on Vaccination offer for students
Plasma Medicine Achieving success together
Public relations Plasmas for all
English News
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