History The racist violence of white women
Covid 19 regulations RUB employee interviews the Chancellor
Rules, tips and services Guidelines for the winter semester
Winter semester 2020/21 New campus rules at the start of the semester
Interview Antibiotics from the bacterial world
New ways of the digital age Remote: The virtual internship as a solution
Environmental technology Controlled release of fertiliser using biopolymer chips
Interview “There is currently more than enough wood in the forest”
Building industry Building with wood to protect the climate
Climate change Is it still acceptable to fly on holiday in view of climate change?
Biotechnology Tiny helpers of the big industry
Open letter What happens next at Ruhr-Universität
International Students Online semester with a time difference
Electrochemistry Making enzymes fit for industrial applications
Energy conversion Challenges in the development of electrocatalysts
Biotechnology New kind of interaction discovered in hydrogen-producing enzymes
Catalysis Selective conversion of reactive lithium compounds made possible
Materials research Programmable synthetic materials
Chemistry Water molecules are gold for nanocatalysis
IT Security How secure are Knock Codes for smartphone lock screens
English News
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