Geosciences Why hydraulic fracturing causes earthquakes in Western Canada
Electrochemistry A stable copper catalyst for CO2 conversion
Open letter Flexible Hybrid Semester
CORONAVIRUS The 2021 summer semester will also be for the most part digital
Business Research Variable pay schemes can make workers ill
Change Through Science 75 Million Euros to the UA Ruhr for New Research Centers
Computer Engineering Software to tame the hunger for energy
Social Science Healthcare outside the doctor’s office
Sport science Exercise through digitalisation
Research Background information regarding the study on paralyzed mice
Ethics When values no longer seem to fit
RESOLV Extremely visible
Philosophy Conceptual analysis and the world wide web
Mechanics Structures and components that could have grown naturally
Media Studies Writing contemporary history
Social contribution Remember to re-register
Open letter In the interests of the students
Material science The intuition of algorithms
Low-temperature plasmas The tailored wave
High-performance plasmas Plasma structures analysed in detail
English News
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