Psychiatry Mentally ill avatars
Academic exchange Welcomed by the university attaché in person
Funding Graduate with a Grant
Chemistry How two water molecules dance together
Exchange Study and research in Bochum and Bogotá
Chemistry Next step in producing magnetic organic molecules
Language Exam “A lot depends on the test”
Biology How nature builds hydrogen-producing enzymes
Excellence Strategy Future development further sharpened
Interview The mission is: new discoveries
IT Security Code in Chinese surveillance app analysed
Chemistry Award for Nicolas Plumeré
Catalysis High reaction rates even without precious metals
Drug resistance Preventing drugs from being transported
Chemistry How acids behave in ultracold interstellar space
Twitter takeover A day with Tong Li
Twitter Takeover A glimpse into the material science labs
Winter semester 2019/20 Submit your university application now
Chemistry Applying precious metal catalysts economically
Research Building Think Important milestone on the path to University of Excellence
English News
German News