Biology Hydrogen-producing enzyme protects itself against oxygen
Mechanics Structures and components that could have grown naturally
Low-temperature plasmas The customised wave
Biochemistry Initial steps to show nerves their growth direction magnetically
Start-ups Two EXIST Transfer of Research projects start in Bochum
Paraplegia Designer cytokine makes paralyzed mice walk again
Psychology Getting romantic at home wearing an EEG cap
Psychology How anorexia nervosa alters body awareness
Learning platform developed Promoting entrepreneurial thinking among young people at EU Level
Protein research A prognostic Alzheimer’s disease blood test in the symptom-free stage
Protein research Newly discovered receptor helps to sneak a peek at evolution
Pain research How one pain suppresses the other
Protein research Development of plaques in Alzheimer’s disease resolved
Biotechnology New energy conversion layer for biosolar cells
Medicine How peroxisomes catch their enzymes
Using a robotic arm Catalytic activity of individual cobalt oxide nanoparticles determined
Chemistry How water helps the substrate into the enzyme
Biology What makes peppers blush
Neuroscience Visual short-term memory is more complex than previously assumed
Protein Research New biomarker candidate for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
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