A multidisciplinary strategy is used to explore brain functions at Ruhr University.
Biopsychology Clever birds have cheap neurons
Biology An off switch for aggression
Neurophilosophy How is it possible to remember selfless experiences?
Philosophy Why people deceive themselves
Psychology Consciousness in humans, animals and artificial intelligence
Cognitive Neuroscience Limited brain capacity in humans and birds
Psychology Why do we remember stressful experiences better?
Neurophilosophy How people manipulate their own memories
Neuronal processes Thoughts bring prostheses to life
New perspectives How philosophy can change the understanding of pain
Neuroscience From individual receptors towards whole-brain function
Psychology Computer training to reduce trauma symptoms
Neuroscience How comparable different stress tests are
Psychology Getting romantic at home wearing an EEG cap
Psychology People with increased risk of Alzheimer’s have deficits in navigating
Developmental Psychology Why babies not always remember what they have learned
Philosophy What it means when animals have beliefs
Neuroscience Why visual perception is a decision process
Neuroscience How hearing loss in old age affects the brain
Neuroscience How expectations influence learning
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