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When a chemical substance dissolves, much more happens than we have suspected so far. Research groups at Ruhr University want to find out exactly what this is.
CO2 can be converted electrochemically into starting materials for industry. So far, however, catalysts that are stable over a long period of time have been lacking. A few tricks could solve the problem.
Photosynthetic proteins can convert light energy into other forms of energy. Researchers want to make this technology usable for the industrial production of fuels, for example.
Analyzing nanoparticles individually is a challenge precisely because they are so small. A new technique using electron microscopy and a robotic arm could make the process much easier.
An international research team has investigated water molecules in a tiny cage – and discovered previously unknown properties.
Nowadays, it is easy to determine an average pH for larger quantities of liquid. It is a challenge, however, to define a local pH value.
A small but important step towards a successful immune reaction is performed by an impressive nanomachine. Researchers use simulations to understand how it works.
Bacterial enzymes are often powerful but also very sensitive catalysts. To call up their performance, they therefore need a special environment.
Efficient catalysts are crucial for energy conversion. However, findings from basic research rarely make it into practice at present.
Some catalysts show remarkable high activity. Thanks to water.
Studied in detail, the embedding of hydrophobic molecules in water looks quite different than previously assumed.
Being elected to join the Academy is an honour for outstanding researchers.
Water may look like a simple liquid. However, it is anything but simple to analyse. The unique properties of water are only understandable, if scientists observe the interaction of the molecules.
Science has come a long way, but there are still some obstacles that prevent a breakthrough.
Although water is omnipresent, the interaction between individual water molecules is not yet fully understood.
Solvated acids tend to release a proton. However, they display more complex behaviour under space conditions.
It is difficult to convert carbon dioxide or nitrogen oxides into useful or harmless substances. Wolfgang Schuhmann wants to find a way and is being helped to do so by the EU.
Chemical molecules that behave like images and mirror images interact differently with other molecules. A new project is set to reveal more about their differences.
The Electrochemical Society honours the diverse work of the Bochum-based scientist in applied and basic research.
Great joy in the Ruhr region: The Cluster of Excellence in solvation science has once again succeeded in the competition.
Major success in Bochum: two Clusters of Excellence go to Ruhr-Universität.