Research funding New Emmy-Noether group in Theoretical Chemistry
IT Security Protecting aircraft and drones from cyber-attacks
Cluster of Excellence Resolv team from RUB and TU Dortmund together seeking funding
Memory New model unites two rivaling theories
Nitrate Sensor Nicolas Plumeré awarded a grant by the European Research Council
Chemistry To Fertilise or Not To Fertilise – There Is No Question
Biomechanics Mysterious muscle forces
Chemistry Tracking a solvation process step by step
Hydrogen production Protein environment makes catalyst efficient
Neuroscience “We need to reconsider our research approach”
Logic Yes, no and artificial intelligence
Psychology The car makes Germans love to talk about
Social Media When friends become objects
New research initiative More security for self-driving cars and drones
Award The next Einstein
Economy How managers make their employees optimal price negotiators
Materials What tiny structures reveal about material properties
Radar Rendering the invisible visible
Protein research Correct identification of liver cancer
Award-winner RUB doctoral researcher receives award for work on protein stability
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